Image:’Read my Blog’ buttons: ready for ILUG 2008Denise Shaw, a Notes 8 graphic artist, working with Mary Beth Raven, created this great artwork for the buttons I want to distribute at the coming ILUG.
Thanks again Denise.

This is the idea behind it
(it originated here: Meet the bloggers lounge at LS09):

We, bloggers, are sociable people (introverts or not),
and like to chat with like-minded (human) beings.
If you, or anyone attending ILUG would see a gal/guy wearing this button,
it tells you that it's OK to come up to us and say hello.
It is NOT intended to identify an elite group of people.
You should know however that many of us bloggers haven't met most of the others in the flesh, so we love to say hi to each other too.

So if you run into me at ILUG (I stay at the Camden Court Hotel, and arrive Tuesday evening), ask for your button (and buy me a Guinness (just kidding, as I want to attend some sessions sober)).

Hope to talk to all of you.

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