LS2010Bart Meskens, working for a big Lotus customer, and key BLUG member, emailed me with a great initiative:
let's create a Mile High Lotus Club
aka 'The Yellow Flight'.

Here's his idea:
Many of us are flying into Orlando for Lotusphere pretty soon. We all arrive about the same time from all over the world.
If all of us flying, should wear 'Yellow'
(preferably mentioning 'Lotus'), we would surely stand out, and show everyone we're bleeding Yellow, and just love Lotus.
Also, if we would have a means of letting each other know what flight we are on, we might be able to arrange to sit together on the flights.

What a great way of spreading the word !
So, I've created a Lotusphere 2010 flight registration system on the BLUG website,
Per Country/City you can see who is flying when, and on what flight.
If all of us flying in would register, this would enforce our community, even before LS officially starts !

What do you think ?

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