Lotusphere 2008: Day 1
Posted by Theo Heselmans on January 22nd, 2008
The opening session promised a lot, delivered a lot, but was below expectation as some points. The guest speaker Bob Costas (who's he ?) was a let down. A sports presenter in the States, and thus completely unknown to the at least 50% international audience. The worst speaker ever (of the 13 I've seen so far): unknown sport to me, no feeling whatsoever with the semi-tech stuff he was talking reading about. WTF made the decision to select him !
Anyway: the demo's were great. Ron and especially Maureen were radiating (each in his/her own way). The new web-based Domino Designer scheduled for 8.5 (which should be shipping before the end of the year) was very impressive. I went to Maureen's session afterwards, where she really showed off here baby !
The next session with pirates Julian Robichaux and André Guirard was basic, but satisfying. Kevin Pettitt and Bruce Elgort where next, and ran us (fast) through a lot of interesting templates (mostly on NTF). Tx guys, I discovered some beauties !
A strange thing happened when walking out of a session. I was greeted by a guy: "You Theo ? I read your blog and like it. Particularly the Excel tips. Keep 'm coming".
Wow, I'm getting famous ;-)
Later that night I quickly had a drink at the yearly Dutch (snug) party at the Boardwalk. Then I rushed to the Ernst & Young diner at the Blue Zoo in the Dolphin. I had a great time, with great food and a wonderful Pouilly-Fumé, followed by a equally nice Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Thanks IBM for hosting.
Category: Domino/Notes Lotusphere | Technorati: Lotus, Notes, Domino
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