November 2009

LS2010: The Mile High Lotus Club: want to join ?

Posted by Theo Heselmans on November 30th, 2009

Bart Meskens, working for a big Lotus customer, and key BLUG member, emailed me with a great initiative: let's create a Mile High Lotus Club aka 'The Yellow Flight'.

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Having lunch with 82.002 Notes users

Posted by Theo Heselmans on November 28th, 2009"Last year I told you about the Belgian Ministry of Finance having 32.000 new Notes users. The KBC Bank will migrate from Exchange to Notes: 50.000 users in total. This was already

Category:  Lotus  Notes  Domino  | TechnoratiTechnorati: , ,

Please don’t twitter on LinkedIn

Posted by Theo Heselmans on November 28th, 2009

Since a couple of weeks twitter has an option to publish tweets directly to LinkedIn. I don't mind that your LinkedIn status get's updated, as long as it's suited/useful for a business social network

Category:  Personal  | TechnoratiTechnorati:

Beyond User Interface Design: a tip for Mary Beth

Posted by Theo Heselmans on November 18th, 2009

Yesterday I was invited at a Lotus BP event. Laurent Boes, Manager of Lotus Software for Belux gave a short overview of the current Lotus situation, and proceeded by introducing someone from a company

Category:  User Interface  | TechnoratiTechnorati: